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【曼城晚报】 哈格里夫斯:复出后我将会更强大 Hargreaves: I'll come back stronger

【曼城晚报】 哈格里夫斯:复出后我将会更强大 Hargreaves: I'll come back stronger

# n6 C, b' L8 k曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛% l: A3 t. y! l% D
UNITED'S forgotten man Owen Hargreaves is vowing to come back next season better than ever.
* h3 ^' N3 o' M) K7 c+ e曼联在线·球迷地带The £18m Reds midfielder has only appeared three times this term because of his troublesome knees. Career-saving operations in America on his right and left joints were needed to save the England ace from the scrapheap.曼联在线·球迷地带/ b% j& i- O, w( W& P3 Y3 r& c  a3 `3 Q
Hargreaves spent almost two months in rehab in Colorado since the second part of surgery in January, but has returned to United's Carrington training HQ to begin the build-up to full fitness.www.imanutd.com1 {3 J- G+ J4 L9 P' M. {! L1 m" x
"I'm going to come back stronger and hopefully add a couple of years on to my career," said Hargreaves.曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛3 Q+ S& K2 g9 I9 `4 [0 i
"It's been frustrating at times. I don't really watch our games because as an athlete, and being so competitive, it's hard to watch when you normally would be out there."
9 }# c' x2 U5 r$ u0 j. p: k: iBut Hargreaves is set to be back in the thick of things next season following his spell at Dr Richard `Knee Whisperer' Steadman's famous clinic.曼联在线·球迷地带( a  _' D, i+ W
Hargreaves is grateful for Steadman's skill - previous successes have included Ruud van Nistelrooy, whose United No10 shirt adorns one of the walls of the Vail clinic where the surgeon and his 75-strong team have repaired more than 16,000 knees.曼联在线·球迷地带" W, L: W) b' e' P& M% _* U- E' w
"I just think he understands the athletes, the significance of the injuries and he's able to deal with the personalities that go along with these injuries," said Hargreaves.
- k& g& {$ J! N! b9 ^曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛There had been fears that Hargreaves' second op in the New Year hadn't been successful, but United dismissed the claims and now the 28-year-old is out to prove the doubters wrong. - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站8 b) r# `7 {! ?3 u

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+ E7 b7 }; S( f7 l6 G% a4 g曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛
* K: s. W& t& j& p# w: B8 R: z; @专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.快要被遗忘的曼联球员哈格里夫斯发誓,再下赛季回来的时候要比以往更强。曼联在线·球迷地带: U2 ?2 a# f  k9 b; [
www.imanutd.com) S0 V: |; D: m" L; T
1800万磅身价的哈格本赛季仅仅出场3次,他的膝部伤势十分恼人,随后他在美国对左右膝部关节都进行了手术,希望能够挽救自己的职业生涯。www.imanutd.com* f+ [% o$ a( T0 C: I/ D
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在进行完第二次手术后,哈格在科罗拉多恢复了将近2个月的时间,随后回到了卡灵顿训练基地,已完全康复。. _3 m4 z9 y. ~8 b6 E+ i

* H, }  S4 K& Q: Z3 m* b曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛“我将会以更强的姿态回归,希望我的职业生涯还能继续几年,”他说。专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.8 q% N2 P7 q, f+ R; W

9 ~  v0 _1 E  U( q5 \ - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站“有时候真是令人沮丧,我没有常常看我们的比赛,因为作为一名运动员,作壁上观的感觉太难受了。”曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛3 E3 B+ D# H2 \" f1 x
曼联在线·球迷地带# M3 ?1 N7 n6 y- R
* G  F3 C8 D5 g* {曼联在线·球迷地带
: {$ K' T3 X. c! B; I6 \: Y - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站哈格里夫斯对他的主治医生Richard赞不绝口,作为膝部伤势的专家,后者曾经治愈过范尼这些著名球员,他麾下的75人的巨大团队已经治疗过16000多个膝关节了。
; V. {! \% |, X/ [4 ^www.imanutd.com
* t, c# a9 E; Swww.imanutd.com“他了解运动员,了解伤病对他们的影响,他还对如何疗伤有着出众的见解,”哈格说到。
3 w6 D& \" |7 i1 t  }3 f. n; d) w7 o曼联在线·球迷地带$ |) J. }9 S. u/ c& D' L4 x
之前曾有人说哈格的第二次手术并不成功,不过曼联方面否认了这个说法,现在28岁的球员本人,也要出来证明对他有所怀疑的人是错的了。' t$ t2 H* L. c% b+ }. p7 B8 q

& k% X! _, @5 R9 Z- k- x[ 本帖最后由 wfcjj 于 2009-3-28 22:29 编辑 ]

大哥 快出来吧....