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Keane not right for Sir Bobby 查尔顿爵士:基恩不是一个好人选

Keane not right for Sir Bobby 查尔顿爵士:基恩不是一个好人选

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Charlton has said Manchester United should select an outsider as Sir Alex Ferguson's successor when he steps down. 专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.8 k+ ]  D3 l+ ^* \- O/ H% ^
Fans have expressed their desire to have former players Roy Keane and Mark Hughes take over at the realm but Sir Bobby disagrees.
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The club director feels it would be a mistake to hire someone previously connected with Manchester United and says it would be better for the club to "clear the decks". 专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.- l* s7 o1 h" R( j  P
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"I think their have been a lot of mistakes made by a lot of clubs in getting managers who have already been some part of the club in their career," Charlton told The Daily Star. 专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.& ]+ Q" A7 a; [& V" X% _0 B- F9 ~
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"I don't buy that. If he's a good manager it doesn't matter who he is, where he comes from or even what nationality he is. 曼联在线·球迷地带+ y( A4 y8 J4 N& K0 N
曼联在线·球迷地带; G  \5 J# Y  J# J4 e( H
"In fact, in lots of cases, I'd say it was a hardship now to have a club background.
5 N1 G1 S& }$ Y; N8 C - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站
! g: x" {$ v3 x2 e - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站"People say only an old player could do it but maybe it's better to have a clean bill of health. Maybe give it to somebody who will really clear the decks."
7 v# J7 G+ U  k5 r) e3 t1 O) {% K曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛Sir Bobby went on to say he does not expect Sir Alex Ferguson to step down anytime soon and that looking for a successor at this stage would be a waste of time. 专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.; O/ Z: U$ C7 d7 C/ @, M5 @% W

8 S, m3 L- T- }& j3 e7 i: `www.imanutd.com"You can't plan for somebody like Sir Alex retiring," said Charlton.
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4 q/ i8 G8 n* S" ywww.imanutd.com"I don't think Alex is even considering retirement at the moment. He has a smile on his face and he's enjoying it.
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"The last time he said he was retiring I didn't believe it. I was right then. Some people think it would be the perfect time for him to go if he won another Champions League final. Maybe. 曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛% d3 J. r/ A6 d1 `* J6 U
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"But he's not a sentimentalist like that. He's hard as nails, Alex. - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站0 i) d# V1 e, X! w2 X

6 Z* S: S: Z+ f曼联在线·球迷地带"He's a born manager. I can't see him thinking of doing anything else for the next few years."
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查尔顿认为曼联在弗格森退休后, 应该找外人代替。
; R2 ?( V/ t/ b$ \2 m# Z球迷们都希望看到曼联的前球员如基恩或修斯成为球会的主教练, 但查尔顿爵士并不那么认为。
0 p- k$ q' N7 R8 k& g9 V曼联在线·球迷地带查尔顿认为邀请之前与曼联有关系的人执教将会是一项错误, 他认为应该请外人执教。
6 Z; I2 c, y+ ~' A) j$ q. t9 G+ G - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站他说:"我认为有很多球会都已犯了邀请之前与球会有关联的人物执教的错误, 不管他是谁, 他从那儿来以及他的祖国是哪一国我都不赞成。 在很多情况下, 事实证明拥有球会背景会带来很多困难。 我觉得应该给一名与球会没有任何关系的主教练执教。"
' u4 S& i. |& L曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛查尔顿也宣称他并不认为弗格森会在短期内退休, 而在现在就开始找代替者只是浪费时间。www.imanutd.com$ v( ?5 S; `9 a0 v; r! Z' @/ O. y3 S
他说:"你并不能为像弗格森这样的主教练计划退休, 我也不认为弗格森现在正在考虑退休, 因为他现在对他的工作很享受以及很开心。 上一次他说要退休时, 我并不相信, 最后我是对的。 有人说可能弗格森在赢多一次欧冠被后, 他就会退休。 但他不是一个很感情用事的人, 他是一个很固执的人。 他一出生就注定当主教练, 我不认为他在这几年里会转行。"
