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弗格森:对抗里昂将很困难 Lyon Will Be A Tough Nut, Says Ferguson

弗格森:对抗里昂将很困难 Lyon Will Be A Tough Nut, Says Ferguson

Manchester United boss Alex Ferguson is convinced that Lyonrepresent the hardest possible test that his side could have been givenat this stage of their quest for European glory.Although Arsenal and Liverpool have been pitted against moreprestigious opponents, in Inter and AC Milan respectively, the factthat United went into the draw with top seeding lends credence to SirAlex's assetion that it coldn't have come much tougher than Lyon.
9 T( q+ v+ x' P& r% \" g0 o - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站"We got the hardest draw in terms of the teams we could have faced, but I think we can navigate it successfully. - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站/ a. K9 T( u* B1 `! P4 r& V
"Lyonhave won their league for the last six years and they're top again thisyear, so I expect it to be a tough game, "said the United supremo,before reflecting on the premature exit from the competition lastcampaign.
- }% h& N8 b& _5 D" R' l3 h5 Y - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站"Losing to Milan last year really hurt us. We just didn't have the legs. We had a bad injury spell in March, which killed us.
* s2 \! J8 O$ ~5 c曼联在线·球迷地带"We'dlost Saha from December, then we lost Mikael Silvestre, Ji-Sung Park,Gary Neville, Rio Ferdinand, Nemanja Vidic. Three of those playersdidn't play again that season.
1 C  R' V! p" U! `4 ~& Z - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站"Vidic came back against Milan. It was a gamble, one worth taking. Ronaldo was also carrying an ankle injury for that game.
4 p. a" @2 |5 X& m7 l; k/ C! C3 g曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛"Wewere well short of being full-strength, whereas Milan had restedplayers and were primed for that game. We were unlucky. This year, ifwe stay fit we'll have a better chance."
% b& V" s& `3 S4 k/ ^专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.United will head toLyon for the first leg on Wednesday before entertaining the Frenchrecord champions in the Old Trafford decider on March 4.
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  p5 {4 z  q: M( K0 o曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛虽然阿森纳,利物浦已被人们选为声望最高的对手,这也包括国际米兰和AC米兰,事实是曼联以第一种子队进行抽签让弗格森认为没有队伍比里昂队更艰难.
2 {, m) E* u# m* {. P. N  R曼联在线·球迷地带弗格森说:"我们得到了有可能对抗的队伍中最强的队伍,但我认为我们能成功航行.里昂队已经连续6年成为法国联赛冠军了,他们今年也不例外,所以我预测这将会是个很艰难的比赛."曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛" N- ^7 O! M, q
弗格森也表达了上赛季在欧冠杯提早出局的看法,他说:"去年败给AC米兰真的让我们很痛苦,我们确实是不够人手,我们在整个3月都受到了球员受伤的困扰.我们在12月时就已经失去萨哈,我们也失去西尔维斯特,朴智星,内维尔,费迪难德以及维帝奇,其中3个人到赛季结束时都无法上场了.维帝奇能够在对抗AC米兰时上场,这是个我认为值得的赌注,而C罗也在那场比赛带伤上阵.我们的阵容并不齐全,相反的AC米兰拥有能让球员休息的机会来待发那场比赛,我们十分不走运.如果今年我们的球员一切都健康,我们将有更好的机会."曼联在线·球迷地带! L- ~: F; p& V1 {



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