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[官网] 鲁尼染病,但仍可能出场 Boss hopeful over Rooney

[官网] 鲁尼染病,但仍可能出场 Boss hopeful over Rooney

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United may be without striker Wayne Rooney for Saturday's Premier League clash with Stoke City at Old Trafford.www.imanutd.com8 p* ]* y5 ~* g" c" g' a/ M
Sir Alex Ferguson told his pre-match press conference that the 23-year-old is carrying a chest infection, although the manager is hopeful of having the England star available for the visit of Tony Pulis' side.
  \- y7 ?$ }9 d$ d$ U8 {曼联在线·球迷地带"Wayne Rooney had a bit of a chest infection and he’s been off this week," Sir Alex revealed. "But hopefully he’ll be alright for tomorrow – I’m sure he will be."www.imanutd.com; t9 h2 F2 l, O$ ]
The United manager also confirmed that he has no other new injury worries following Tuesday's Carling Cup win over QPR.
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% j/ ?! a) y0 x& W9 h$ P2 s  X曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛曼联在周日主场迎战斯托克诚的时候,队中射手鲁尼可能无法上场。
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% d& v5 K, s4 n - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站在赛前的新闻发布会上,弗格森称23岁的鲁尼患有胸腔感染,但他表示鲁尼明天还有希望上场。
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7 v$ V. Y& {* F3 Z4 y6 b$ F: A - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站“韦恩鲁尼胸腔感染,这周他都没有训练,”弗格森透露,“不过明天他很有希望康复,我确定他会的。”
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# _$ {2 s) y$ U5 X - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站同时弗格森表示和女王园林巡游者队的比赛没有给球队带来更多伤病。
