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Saha ruled out of Roma clash 萨哈无法出战罗马

Saha ruled out of Roma clash 萨哈无法出战罗马

Louis Saha has been ruled out of Manchester United's UEFA Champions League clash with Roma.
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The Frenchman is struggling with a hamstring injury and Sir Alex Ferguson has decided not to risk him for the quarter-final, second leg encounter at Old Trafford. Saha made a late substitute appearance in the first leg in Rome, but he was forced to miss last weekend's defeat at Portsmouth after suffering a recurrence of the hamstring injury in training. Ferguson is hopeful Saha will recover in time to face Watford in this weekend's FA Cup semi-final. "We have to err on the side of caution," said United boss Ferguson. "There is no point bringing someone back who is not 100 per cent fit and risk further injury." Ferguson is also waiting to find out how long Park Ji-sung will be sidelined for after he picked up a knee injury in the win over Blackburn at the end of March. "We are still assessing Ji-sung to see what we do next with him," added Ferguson. "Hopefully the news will be good and he will only be out for a couple of weeks."   
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曼联前锋萨哈即将无法上阵曼联对抗罗马的欧冠杯次回合比赛.这位法国人一直被受伤困扰,所以弗格森不会冒险把他出阵.萨哈在上州中曼联对抗罗马首回合时有替补上场过,但被逼缺席对抗朴茨茅斯的比赛,因为他的旧伤在训练时复发.弗帅希望在周六对抗沃特福德的足总杯半决赛时复出.他说:"我们必须提高警惕,我不想冒险让一位还没有100%恢复状态的球员出阵,这样可能会使他的伤势无法康复.我们现在也正在观察着朴智星的伤势,希望有好消息说他只需要休息两个星期."9 }4 z: W5 z+ W

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