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Reds scoop awards double-红魔包揽本月最佳

Reds scoop awards double-红魔包揽本月最佳

16/03/2007 17:57, Report by Ben Hibbs7 {& a3 v$ a0 K1 V! {
Reds scoop awards double
* {& t0 [+ ?# d  e0 d( C曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛Sir Alex Ferguson and Ryan Giggs have picked up Premiership monthly awards for the second time this season.曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛" v% f( i3 ^0 E# R9 a& z

- u( I  O7 L! }% E4 ]1 g& k/ Y5 WThe United boss has been named Manager of the Month for February, while Giggs, who made his 700th appearance against Liverpool at Anfield, picked up the Player of the Month award.专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.4 v/ j0 B2 ~0 R- a3 G$ _

, o! D. r6 l6 I" p4 S, b& b3 R* j5 @曼联在线·球迷地带United won all three Premiership fixtures last month, scoring eight goals and maintaining a commanding position at the top of the table.- F( a. N% R- R

; d( @0 X* e: F- h6 X( Y曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛It's the second time the pair have won joint awards this campaign, having both picked up the accolades in August 2006.
$ e3 @6 s* J) b7 f$ y% i
% @+ U& B& j% i8 J专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.Giggs scored the final goal in United's 4-0 trouncing of Tottenham, produced a fine display against Charlton in the 2-0 home win, before his left-footed volley in the late 2-1 victory over Fulham at Craven Cottage.* R) c% S# c6 @
曼联在线·球迷地带9 K# t3 `: Q+ C" r4 Z" B
Not for ten years has a player and manager scooped both monthly awards twice in the same season – the last pair being Liverpool duo Roy Evans and Robbie Fowler in December 1995 and January 1996.
5 v; Y4 N6 E" dwww.imanutd.com曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛3 i8 _3 W% m" ^% j& l+ p
红魔包揽本月最佳曼联在线·球迷地带0 ~) R+ p% W/ G8 O4 |

3 _. l# D, u& J% g! @" T  f曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛弗格森爵士和吉格斯再次获得本赛季英超每月最佳奖项。曼联在线·球迷地带5 G# W2 G  Z- t- g

, y2 w& v( g4 Q# n$ Zwww.imanutd.com老佛爷在2月份获得过最佳管理员的荣誉,而吉格斯在安菲尔德对阵利物浦的完成了他的第700次出场,这位老兵也再次捧得了每月最佳球员的奖杯。
! [8 V6 l. c% P9 T1 ^" ~& Y: M( f3 U' B专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.
1 k) C; q) ~7 w  b; R专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.曼联在上个月的联赛中取得了3战全胜,打进8球的优良成绩。并继续保持着在联赛中的统治地位。而吉格斯在曼联对热刺、查尔顿以及富勒姆队的比赛中都扮演了关键的角色。# K+ I, I8 `/ x# F: v
曼联在线·球迷地带! Q% `( U* X% C% K- D5 G
这是这对师徒本赛季内第二次同时获得每月最佳的殊荣。他们曾经在06年的8月同时获得过当月最佳的奖项。曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛2 B8 ?/ ?7 ?/ S- R( f
曼联在线·球迷地带; l" C" N3 Q# s, @3 g