No Name Change For Old Trafford(转自官网)
Manchester United have rubbished rumours that Old Trafford could be re-named under a new sponsorship deal.
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The Sun newspaper claimed on Wednesday that the Club's ongoing search for a new shirt sponsor could see the famous ground's name changed.
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( [$ m) ]" r* I$ [However, a club spokesman told that the story is completely inaccurate.
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"The story is totally untrue," he said. "Renaming Old Trafford is not even being considered. It is nonsense to suggest it."专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源." o; _" D8 F( J( x
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英文,大致意思就是说曼联的一位发言人证实Old Trafford改名字完全是虚构的,从来就没有考虑过这件事。 |