西尔维斯的欢迎切尔西的挑战 Silvestre welcomes Chelsea challenge
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MANCHESTER - Manchester United defender Mikael Silvestre is relishing the end-of-season showdown with Chelsea. United are level on points with the Blues at the top of the Barclays Premier League and will face them in the Champions League final in Moscow on May 21. Sir Alex Ferguson's side have a vastly superior goal difference in the league and look to have the easier run-in, with games against West Ham at Old Trafford tomorrow and Wigan away the following week. Silvestre, who returned to the side in the Champions League against Roma last month after seven months out with a knee injury, is looking forward to playing his part in the run-in. He said: "I have been working hard to get back in shape and anything that happens from now until the end of the season is a big bonus for me. "In football, you can lose everything or win everything. It is really important we do our job until the end and win the double." Alan Curbishley insists West Ham will not be at Old Trafford just to make up the numbers. "The whole world will be watching the game on Saturday and we want to show what we can do," he said. "It is uncanny how the fixtures have worked out, similar to last year - although this time the tables have turned somewhat. "The Premier League has been massively competitive, there are no 'gimmes'."
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9 a7 ?8 h( Z' Z! W曼联在线·球迷地带曼联和切尔西在英超联赛积分榜上同分,同时两队将于5月21日在莫斯科进行欧洲冠军联赛决赛的对决。
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他说:“为了回到场上我一直非常努力,而从现在到赛季结束,发生的任何事情对我来讲都可以说是巨大的奖励。 曼联在线·球迷地带& M! x2 [2 }! o) Z+ e. z+ |/ v% S
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, l, |: x2 Q. i4 Y' {( j' T, T) H曼联在线·球迷地带“比赛的结果难以预计,和去年的情形差不多--当然去年的时候相比积分榜的形式还是有些改变。
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[ 本帖最后由 wfcjj 于 2008-5-2 14:06 编辑 ] |